Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Prayer requests and such

 Let me jump right in.

I believe there are times that we don’t share our prayer requests because we believe but yet, we don’t believe. What if it doesn’t happen or I don’t get blessed or I don’t receive the increase or healing I’m asking for? Will they think I’m a fool? Will they think I don’t know God‘s plan for my life? Will my request be too outrageous or gargantuan ? 

We want others to join in with our belief ultimately! I encourage you to share with who your lead to disclose to what your prayers needs are. Maybe me making a prayer request known could spark the belief system of someone else!? Never mind what I’m believing for, but because I asked someone to join in prayer with me and their faith was renewed, maybe this is the answer to a prayer, just maybe.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Unselfishly Committed

Beware of people who are only there for you to benefit from your harvest. They’ll celebrate, they will boast of your abilities and they will even want some for themselves. They will claim you as their own. I have never seen a leech personally, yet I have full knowledge of it’s behaviors.

I beseech you to pay attention to who’s there during the planning season, who’s there to pull weeds and help water the seedlings. Remember the ones that help you research and prepare. Recall the people who are supportive during the transitions as they are one of a kind. Those persons are unique. Special. Devoted. Unselfishly Committed!

Saturday, January 1, 2022

First Fruit offering

Jan 2, 2022: I am being protective of my firstsAs if it were an offering. Giving of my talent, time and treasure, which all stem from my body!

My feet hitting the ground on the 45th January of my life is different? You better believe it’s different!  Different than the 30th year, the 23rd year, different in the 41st year, which is  the same birth year that my dad‘s last new year would have occurred. Should I take this seriously? You bet your WORLD I should!

The other day I jotted in my journal, “a seed does not require much to produce”. I plan to protect what I sow, invest and plant today.