Friday, July 23, 2021

My Competition

Today, the first thing I told myself when I started running my 5K was “this is the best timing ever”. It’s amazing how during the entire run though,  I rarely glanced at my watch, but whenever I looked at my watch I would look at the distance and not the time that has passed. It hit me that what’s most important in journeys is how we grow and how we encourage ourselves along the way and NOT so much how long we’ve been in a season or how much further we have to go before it ends. 

Quite honestly, as I continued to run one of the encouraging things I reminded myself was that I am competing against myself. I began to see the Olympics and all of the individual lanes on the track. I saw Shaunaof 2015 in one lane and Shauna of 2017 in the other lane and Shauna of 2010 in the other lane. Lane 5 hosted Shauna of 2005 and Lane 6 had Shauna of yesterday. Are you picking up what I’m putting down? The only competition we have is who we were yesterday. If that doesn’t add stretch goals and fire, I’m not sure what will! YOU VS YOU.